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Announcing the World’s First Comprehensive VR Bus Driver Training Program Designed In Collaboration With and For Bus Operators

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1st January, 2023

A revolutionary new approach to teaching bus operators using virtual reality.

[Seattle, WA] – MXTreality, in partnership with Pierce Transit, has launched a groundbreaking virtual reality training suite specifically designed for bus driver training. The 'Drivers of Tomorrow' Virtual Training suite provides immersive and interactive experiences to help trainees master the skills and knowledge required to pass their CDL Class B Pre-Trip test and operate a bus safely and efficiently.

Over the past few years, MXTreality has developed several driver training simulators. This collaboration with Pierce Transit merges 50 years of driver training expertise with a decade of virtual software experience, creating an effective, engaging, and enjoyable training solution.

The collaboration is comprised of three driver training programs. The first module supplements classroom instruction and enriches bus knowledge.

Reginald Reese, PT’s Chief Safety Officer, states:

“The VR training offers a unique opportunity for bus driver trainees to encounter job challenges in a controlled, safe environment before taking to the road. This hands-on training approach boosts confidence and enhances overall driving performance, significantly reducing risks and associated costs.”

The second module helps drivers master the essentials of their Pre-Trip exam.

“We’re excited to bring this new VR training suite to the market, and we've already seen record CDL pass rates,” said Fran Draxton, Bus Training Assistant Manager at Pierce Transit.

The third module supports operators throughout their career with a focus on driving: core driving maneuvers for new drivers, zone practice for all levels, adaptable situational practice for advanced drivers, and accident avoidance scenarios for those needing re-training.

MXTreality CEO Jeff Rayner adds

"DoT's versatile simulator suite of experiences is compatible with both traditional monitor setups and Virtual Reality, allowing trainees to learn and self-test at any time, while transit authorities can now offer driver simulation training in compact spaces that were previously impractical. This innovation leads to increased confidence, greater job satisfaction, reduced risk, attraction of new drivers, and savings through higher pass rates and decreased risk"

The VR training suite is available to transportation companies and commercial bus driving authorities nationwide. It is designed to supplement traditional classroom and behind-the-wheel training, attract new drivers, improve learning efficacy, and reduce costs associated with failed CDL tests, potentially saving companies like Pierce Transit hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

About Drivers of Tomorrow (DoT) is a leading provider of virtual training solutions and driving experiences. With a commitment to innovation and a passion for safety, DoT is dedicated to advancing operator education through innovative simulation technology. Our mission is to prepare the drivers of today for the challenges of tomorrow with cutting-edge solutions that are easy to use, space-efficient, visually stunning, affordable, and memorable. DoT is a DBA of MXTreality.

About Pierce Transit

Pierce Transit, officially the Pierce County Public Transportation Benefit Area Corporation, is an operator of public transit in Pierce County, Washington. It operates a variety of services, including fixed-route buses, dial-a-ride transportation, vanpool, and ride-matching for carpools.

For more information on the virtual reality training suite for bus drivers, please visit or contact us at


Tel: 1-844-697-2333

Address: 3200 1st Avenue South, Suite 300, Seattle, WA 98134

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